The iLO Firmware cannot be updated via the Group Firmware Update feature. Embedded Remote Support fails after sending a second test service event. The power supply status shows Failed/Good, In Use when the power cord is removed from the server. The character limit for the Server Name is inconsistent between the iLO web interface and the CLI. Users without the Configure iLO Settings privilege can modify iLO ROM-based setup utility settings. An error message is not displayed when an invalid Gateway IPv4 address is configured. The power supply status for an installed power supply is incorrectly displayed as "Not installed" on the System Information Power Information page in the iLO web interface. The iLO clock is one hour fast during Daylight Savings Time when it is configured by the ROM-based setup utility or the Insight Management Agents. iLO requires a reset for IPv6 Multicast Scope changes. The System Information Health Summary page shows an Undefined error message on D元80p Gen8 servers. DHCP options can be modified via the ROM-based setup utility when DHCP is disabled. iLO cannot be enabled via the iLO RBSU if it was disabled by using the iLO 4 Configuration Utility in the UEFI System Utilities. The iLO Shared Network Port cannot be enabled for embedded LOM via the ROM-based setup utility or iLO web interface. Problems can arise when your hardware device is too old or not supported any longer.- The error "Max number of certificates has been reached" occurs when SSO certificates are imported. This will help if you installed an incorrect or mismatched driver. Try to set a system restore point before installing a device driver.
It is highly recommended to always use the most recent driver version available.
Improved download performance for the Active Health System log. SNMP Traps are sent if communication between iLO and Insight Remote Support or iLO and Insight Online fails.
SNMP trap 9001 covers all server reset cases instead of only cases in which iLO governs the reset. The supported size for Encoded Kerberos tickets increased to 16 KB. The System Information > Memory page displays the HP part number for DIMMs. New SSH server with improved performance and reliability. New web server with improved performance and reliability. RIBCL can be used with Single Sign-On (SSO). The following Server Power-On Delay options are available: 15, 30, 45, and 60 seconds. Additional IPv6 functionality was added to the iLO utilities. In addition to the features supported in iLO 4 1.2x, the following features are supported: IPv6 network communications (dedicated network connection only). System ROM, Chassis Manager, CPLD, and Power Management Controller firmware can be updated in the iLO web interface and via RIBCL scripts. This version adds support for the following features and enhancements: The Power-On Delay cannot be set to Minimum Delay or Random up to 120 seconds on the Server Power page. No CLI option is provided to change the SNMP port and the SNMP trap port. No iLO Event Log entries are recorded when Directory settings are modified through the CLI and XML scripts. No iLO Event Log entries are recorded when IPMI/DCMI is set to Enabled or Disabled by using Mod_Global_Settings.xml. No XML Logout iLO Event Log entry is recorded when a user logged out via HPONCFG. The Event log failed to display the user name when Lock_Config was enabled. Mismatched Power Supply entries in the Integrated Management Log (IML) were not repaired after the correct power supply was installed. The Integrated Remote Console (IRC) might not be able to play a Pre-failure video downloaded from a web server. When importing new HP SSO certificates, a “Certificate Could Not Be Stored” error might occur. The iLO SSH Server disconnected sessions during re-key operations. The JAVA Integrated Remote console (JIRC) could not launch with HP SIM Single Sign On (SSO). No SNMP alert was logged in HP SIM on failed iLO login attempts. The RTC is now set with the NTP time only when the server is plugged in and returns from an unpowered state. The iLO firmware replaced the server Real Time Clock (RTC) time with the iLO Network Time Protocol (NTP) time on every server reboot. An incorrect entry was logged to the iLO Event Log when the IRC was launched to join a Shared Remote Console session. The Integrated Remote Console (IRC) playback video could stop responding after recording. A possible security vulnerability related to SSRT101250 existed. The following issues are resolved in this firmware version: Users should update to this version if their system is affected by one of the documented fixes or if there is a desire to utilize any of the enhanced functionality provided by this version.